I Create My World
A teacher was going on a walk with his student in a jungle. On the way they took rest near the river. The teacher closed his eyes and sat for meditation.
The student was fickle minded and started looking here and there. Suddenly a lion roared. The student got scared and climbed a nearby tree.
The lion came near the teacher and roared at him.
The teacher smilingly remained at peace with himself. There was no sign of panic on his face.
The lion drank water from a nearby pond and went back to the deep woods.
The scared student came down the tree and then both the student and teacher continued their walk.
On the way a mosquito bit the teacher. He screamed out of pain.
The student was surprised and he asked his teacher, “You were not afraid of a lion and now you cannot tolerate a mosquito bite! Why?”
The teacher laughed a lot.
And then he said, “When the lion came, I was with God and when the mosquito bit I was with you!”
This comment made the teacher laugh but it hurt the student.
This story clearly tells me that both the teacher and the student created a different world in the same situation. When the lion approached them, the teacher created his peaceful world and the student created a scary world.
When the mosquito bit the teacher, he created a disgusting world and the student created a curious world.
And later on the teacher created a funny world by commenting on the student’s company and the student created a sad world.
Whatever may the situation be- I am the creator of my world.