Transforming a Haunting Memory to a Happy Learning
Sally was enjoying sitting in her balcony all alone.
All of a sudden several scenes of past and imaginations of future were just passing by. Suddenly, she remembered how she was bullied and betrayed by her best friend when she was twelve years old. Her mind just grabbed this painful scene and held it strongly. Her mind stopped enjoying her leisure time in the balcony and started over thinking about these incidents. These painful thoughts would not leave her even while eating and sleeping. Her life became meaningless and depressed.
Her parents tried to talk it out. Her friends made efforts to make her happy. Singing, dancing, movies, exercise, other hobbies all these activities used to give her relief for some time but her pain would start haunting her again. She did not feel like living any more. There was no purpose of life for her now.
Her thought process was blocked by just one unpleasant thought. Her breathing became shallow, she lost appetite and she lost interest in her wonderful job. Even hugs from her family would not help her.
There were people who loved her but she was just upset… apparently for something which is history now.
Her husband consulted a yoga practitioner. He advised him to help her start doing alternate breathing exercise for 10 minutes 3 times a day.
The first time she practiced alternate breathing, it gave her some relief. She started practicing more and more. Whenever the gloomy clouds of sadness would surround her, she would start practicing alternate breathing. With time she was able to separate herself from this disturbing thought.
One day, while doing alternative breathing a beautiful thought flashed in front of her closed eyes. She got the visualization that the person who bullied her was just a messenger to trigger her to use her strengths to grow upon her weaknesses. Now onwards every time this disturbing thought popped up she would use it as a notification to become stronger and happier. She forgave that person and felt grateful for getting time to time notifications to motivate her to develop her strengths.
Sally learnt to transform her haunting memory into a happy learning.